Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs On My Own Purple, Magic & Sorcerers Videos

King of Spades (Video)

Holding hands with the King of Spades
As the sun float by in a yellow parade
He came, he saw, he rose into the flow.

Sun drop down and it turn to gray
All the shadows stretch and they reach away
To who? To why? To what? You’ll never know.

So you tell yourself it’s enough when baby
There are three men waiting to kill you
And if he isn’t tough enough to fill you
You gotta let him go.

Cause when night fall like a sheet of black
You’re going to need someone
You can’t waste your time on a man whose having fun.

King of Spades lying on his back
When you leave the room with his eyes on your back
He came, he saw, he rose into the flow.

Mirror resting against the wall
Till you throw your brush, watch it crumble and fall
To scream, to feel, to cry and to explode.

Then you tell yourself it’s enough when baby
There are three men waiting to end you
And if he isn’t tough enough to defend you
You gotta let him go.

Cause when night come and the stars appear
You’ll need a place to run.
You can’t waste your time on a man whose having fun.

King of Spades, purple robe, eyes at night, shine and glow
Spread the deck tell him everything you know.

Eyes that shine, circling, oh my God I can’t remember anything
Except I wanted you to come and carry me home.

So I tell myself it’s enough when baby
There are three men waiting to bleed me
And if you isn’t tough enough to need me
I gotta let you go.

Cause when night come and the chill appear
The game has just begun.
I can’t waste my time on a man whose having fun.

Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Sky Blue, Ether, Flags, and Fairies Uncategorized Videos

I also wanted to make love (video)

Well, I have explained this before, but I wrote this song while living in Nashville. My rule at the time was that every single song must have “making love” in the chorus. It started because I found those words somewhat icky, which then made me strangely attracted to using them.

Regardless of how it began, once you use words enough, all of their old connotations fall away & new ones develop which are personal to you.

It’s a bright blue day, it’s a horses’ parade,
It’s the very first day of spring.
And the men are tip tapping to the steeple bells
as they shine through a golden ring.

And the ladies are swaying and they’re dancing and playing
with their hair so long and gold,
But every time a pony shakes his mane
I grow cold.

You offer up a ribbon for my hair;
I give you a frown and a shrug.
Oh what about me? I also wanted to make love.

A pole is painted in bright red stripes,
A tent in stripes of blue,
And the horses got pompoms in their hair
and shiny saddles too.

And every lady wears a little bouquet
that was picked by a little man.
But my daisies are crushed beneath the pony feet
into the sand.

I need to find me a mountain
so I can rise high above…
Oh what about me? I also wanted to make love.

You wear a great big top hat,
You ride a great big horse.
You got a knack for politics
and muscular discourse.

You got no need for
You don’t believe in prophecy.
You got no use for trifles,
You don’t need me.

So put away the pompoms and the polka dots.
Put away the big parade.
All the men dressed up like fairies,
cause fairies ain’t welcome here anyway.

Small things, little things, odd things, pretty things,
All the theater and display,
Cause you don’t like, don’t like, really don’t like
fairies anyway.

You’re going down to the valley so low,
I’m gonna walk high above.
Oh what about me? I also wanted to make love.

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Lights (Video)

Hurricane, West Virginia Music & Songs Yellow, Gold, Kings, Fathers, and the Sun

Big Stuff’s Parade


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Normally, when James asks me what a song is about, I tell him I don’t really know. But in this case it is clear- this is a song about a giant named Big Stuff who dreamed of having a parade thrown in his honor. He saved up all his money and gave it to a man who was supposed to make the parade happen. But instead, the man disappeared with the money and left Big Stuff feeling so dejected and humiliated that he sat in a near catatonic state, barely rocking back and forth in a rocking chair, until the next phase of his life began.

I know that gay and straight pride parades have been in the news recently, but this song has nothing to do with them, at least as far as I am concerned. Big Stuff’s story actually took place around 10 years ago, but it is only now that I am getting around to telling it.

Big Stuff
Big Stuff- a real life giant with an endless appetite for the finer things of Life.


Purple lace, paint your face
Wait for the cold rain to go away
Today is your big day.

Candy sticks, pink balloons
All of their eyes will be stuck to you
Stuck with the sweetest glue.

Velvet boots, comb your hair
Part down the middle then gloss it with gel
Put some gel in your mustache as well.

In the mirror–look! What do you see?
Could it be you? Could this day truly be

Big Stuff’s Parade, Big Stuff’s Parade
Every gold coin that you saved, you saved for
Your special day, proud and gay
Shining the way that you knew you could
This day is going to feel good.

Purple stripes on a pole
The one that you’ll hold when they lift you up
Onto your satin throne.

Caviar in your pants for you to taste
When your dream comes true
When every eye falls on you.

Look in the mirror and what do you see?
Could it be you? Could today truly be

Big Stuff’s Parade, Big Stuff’s Parade
Every gold coin that you saved, you saved for
Your special day, proud and gay
Shining the way that you knew you could
This day is going to feel good.

But look around, Big Stuff, where is the man
Who took your gold coins in the palm of his hand?
The streets are still empty, no crowds have arrived
No floats to be seen, no flags in the sky…

You were tricked! He took your coins, but the flags never flew
The sun never came out, the crowds never gazed on you
Now you’re rocking and rocking back and forth in your chair
Rubbing the glossy gel out of your hair.

I was tricked! I was tricked! you mumble to yourself
and for the next seven months you will say nothing else.

Big Stuff’s Parade, Big Stuff’s Parade
He needs to learn that the world doesn’t turn
Just for satin lace on his face
Now that he’s bungled his one chance to shine
Will Big Stuff find peace of mind?


Download MP3: Big Stuff’s Parade

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