Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Lime Green & Electricity Music & Songs Uncategorized

The City

No. Please don’t go.
You don’t know how dark it will be down inside that hole.
No. Don’t go away.
There are those who walk & talk but inside they are not the same.

You don’t know. You’ve not seen eyes
where nothing there behind them lies.
Reflecting distant galaxies absorbing all your fantasies.
Until they leave you all behind.

And you wonder what you did down here alive with all your time.

Because they say hi and they say hi and they say hi and they say hi-
That’s what they do, that’s what they do, that’s what they do.

And they won’t die, no they won’t die, no they won’t die, no they won’t die-
They live from you, they live from you, they live from you.
And then you sink into the blue.

Like a friend.
You follow till you’ve lost yourself around too many bends.
Smile. Play pretend.
Dance or cry it doesn’t change what happens in the story’s end.

You don’t know. You’ve lived in truth
where trees and birds protected you.
But in the city there she lies the light of towers in her eyes.
She knows what happens in the end.

Did you think you were the first time that she found a funny friend?

Because she’ll say hi and she’ll say hi and she’ll say hi and she’ll say hi-
That’s what they do, that’s what they do, that’s what they do.

And they won’t die, no they won’t die, no they won’t die, no they won’t die-
They live from you, they live from you, they live from you.
And then they sink into the blue.

Faces fade into the black. Words that can’t be taken back.
A pact that flows into a hole.
Now you know the place where all the dreams that die will go & go.

Because she’ll say hi and she’ll say hi and she’ll say hi and she’ll say hi-
That’s what they do, that’s what they do, that’s what they do.

And they won’t die, no they won’t die, no they won’t die, no they won’t die-
They live from you, they live from you, they live from you.
And then they sink into the blue.

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Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Charleston, West Virginia Music & Songs Videos

Ear (Video)


Earth, Pink, Mothers, Love Music & Songs Nashville

Little Russian Boy

Audio Player

Kevin Srebnick in brown shirt with indigo background.   This song has its roots in a dream I had as kid, in which a boy dressed in rags would run through a never-ending cityscape of ruins. I knew it was Russia because the ground was soft brown/tan and the sky was robin’s egg blue and endless. That is always how I imagine Russia- an endless expanse of light brown earth under an endless light blue sky. No plants, no water, just earth and air.               Download MP3: Little Russian Boy

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