Los Angeles Music & Songs

Take this World


Naked woman fallen in battle.

Carlos Castaneda (my hero, although I reluctantly admit that he appears to have been a manipulative psycho rather than a true sorcerer) wrote that when people sleep together the female sends her energy to the male for the next seven years. In an ideal situation, though, the man will return the energy he receives through his genitals back to the woman through his heart.

This seems reasonable, although I tend to think either gender could set up a cord through sex which siphons off their partner’s red energy for an extended period of time. I guess you could call them sex predators.

How do you know if you’ve been attacked by a sex predator? If you start to share the sentiments expressed in this song and become too detached from life, too unconcerned and selfless, too passive and unmotivated.


Download MP3: Take This World

Los Angeles Minerals, Mountains, Crystals, Ice, and White Music & Songs


Mineral Aklei: A painting of nude lady with drip and rectangles on blue and purple background.
A painting called “Mineral Aklei.”


I wrote this while living in LA, before collecting stones became one of my favorite hobbies. At the time, my main association with stones was the world of inorganic beings from Carlos Castaneda’s books, a place where sorcerers would sometimes get trapped forever.











Download MP3: Stone

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