Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Hurricane, West Virginia Music & Songs

Hard to Rise

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Long stick, long legs
Follow me through dark space
Trees of green and underfoot
Plants that eat the midnight dirt.

Follow me; never lag Animal
Long legs, dark path
Twist, turn up the hill
Moonlight hovers around us still.

Hands on my head; spirits are falling
Wind in my ears; voices are calling
These are the ties that bind-
Making it hard to rise.

Take my gift; open it up
Cradled in your hands a cup
Drink the blood; let it fill you
Rubies, nothing can kill you now.

Raise your arms, the sun will fall
Black cape fills with stars
Black man howls and moans
Vibrating your bones.

Hands on my head; spirits are falling
Wind in my ears; voices are calling
These are the ties that bind-
Making it hard to rise.

Black flag flying higher
Stars fill the sky with fire
Blind fold, life’s a dream
Welcome to the new regime.

Stars rise, stars fall
I am animal.
Watch me crawl, watch me leap
Down on my belly I creep.

Step by step, oh what joy!
Feet crush, feet destroy
You shake with alarm
I touch your soft arm.

Hands on my head; spirits are falling
Wind in my ears; voices are calling
These are the ties that bind-
Making it hard to rise.

Download MP3: Hard to Rise

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Music & Songs Nashville

Black Man

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Black man flying over two shadowy figures and one saint, near a river, surrounded by flowers.I hope I don’t get sued for writing a song called “Black Man,” but the truth is I believe there are beings in every color of the rainbow who live side by side with us humans. And of these vividly colored peoples, the one I think about most frequently is the famous “Black Man,” a jet black figure about 33% larger than a regular person. I think these colored beings might show up in our lives to compensate for our weaknesses. The black man seems strong and protective to me, though also opaque and aloof. But after all he’s part of another world, and “their ways are not our ways.”





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Music & Songs Santa Fe

Sit & Spin

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I wrote this song while living in Santa Fe, a city run by women, including a few mean ones, such as the one who inspired this song.

By the way, when I mention a black man in the song, I don’t mean an African-American, but a being whose skin is pitch black, similar to a human, but with legs that are 5 feet long and as thick as an elephant’s.Painting of nude woman (brownie) with orange cape and brown egg















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