Kentucky Minerals, Mountains, Crystals, Ice, and White Music & Songs

Ice Man


Another recording  of Ice Man- this one recorded at home. A song about being so defeated by internal and external forces that a person no longer has it within them to struggle… a song about ice!!

Queen Egg Lace, lady curled up in snow, dripping, with ribbon and mysterious text









Download MP3: Ice Man

Visit my previous post and recording of this song.


Los Angeles Music & Songs Yellow, Gold, Kings, Fathers, and the Sun

Gold Time

Bolstered by flowers, Goethe follows the shadow of an egg.
I wrote this song while I was living in L.A…. What is the gold time? I guess it is a time of fulfillment and completion, when all the trials a person has been through begin to pay off and their meaning is revealed. It is the idea that everything, given enough time, eventually becomes something of great value. Gold is also the color of permanence… a person searches and searches, but when they finally find what they have been looking for, that is the gold time.





Download MP3: Gold Time

Music & Songs Sky Blue, Ether, Flags, and Fairies

Fancy and Soldier


In high school we read Walt Whitman’s poem, “Good-bye my Fancy”, and it struck a deep chord with me. In a way, I think of this song as being a similar story, but told from the perspective of the Fancy, rather than the man.

Walt Whitman in his special hat.


Good-bye my Fancy  

Good-bye my Fancy!
Farewell dear mate, dear love!
I’m going away, I know not where,
Or to what fortune, or whether I may ever see you again,
So Good-bye my Fancy.
Now for my last–let me look back a moment;
The slower fainter ticking of the clock is in me,
Exit, nightfall, and soon the heart-thud stopping.
Long have we lived, joy’d, caress’d together;
Delightful!–now separation–Good-bye my Fancy.
Yet let me not be too hasty,
Long indeed have we lived, slept, filter’d, become really blended
into one;
Then if we die we die together, (yes, we’ll remain one,)
If we go anywhere we’ll go together to meet what happens,
May-be we’ll be better off and blither, and learn something,
May-be it is yourself now really ushering me to the true songs, (who
May-be it is you the mortal knob really undoing, turning–so now finally,
Good-bye–and hail! my Fancy.

-Walt Whitman

Download MP3: Fancy and Soldier

Minerals, Mountains, Crystals, Ice, and White Music & Songs Sky Blue, Ether, Flags, and Fairies

Indian Friend


This song was inspired by Reinhold Messner’s  “The Crystal Horizon,” a book about the first solo ascent up Mount Everest, but also, metaphorically, about the challenges a person can faces while trying to follow their own path and be true to themselves. The loneliness, guilt, and doubt, but also the exhilaration.

To me, crystals, mountains, and ice all represent that place of individuality and isolation… whereas valleys represent the warmth and comfort that comes from merging with others and following a more well-trodden path. But hopefully, when a person does come down into the valley, it will be to nourish and renew themselves, not to donate blood to a wandering mercenary.

Friend we will meet again. Smiley face pulls mountain climber onwards, as she glances at skeleton and fallen cowbird.














Download MP3: Indian Friend

Music & Songs New Hampshire Uncategorized

So Small


A song about small things, because no matter how much effort is put into deception, the tiniest and most insignificant details will eventually reveal the truth. As will stones.

Confederate pauses to examine a pebble as the sun rises.
“Confederate pauses to examine a pebble.”











Download MP3: So Small

Kentucky Minerals, Mountains, Crystals, Ice, and White Music & Songs

Nobody Lies


Another song about somebody all alone in a world of ice struggling to keep their will to live alive…


Dead woman floats in the river, her eyes open.










Download MP3: Nobody Lies

Earth, Pink, Mothers, Love Music & Songs New Hampshire


Back in the day, there was one Greek philosopher who believed everything is made of fire, one who believed everything is made of air, one who believed everything is made of water, and one who believed everything is made of earth. The one who believed everything is made of fire also believed that change and impermanence are the true nature of life (a common belief today as well). The one who believed everything is made of earth believed that nothing ever changes and that permanence is the true nature of life.

Perhaps there is one layer of life which is constantly in flux, and perhaps this layer tends to grab our attention because of its unpredictable, dramatic, and anxiety-producing nature.   But beneath that, isn’t there also something so constant and steady, so soft and reassuring,  that it is easy for us to forget it is even there?

This song is about that realm of  comfort that lies beneath the more teetering aspects of our lives- the element of Earth!!

The Letter: To Black Hole's surprise, a mysterious letter arrives in the mail.









Download MP3: Home

Earth, Pink, Mothers, Love Music & Songs New Hampshire


One day- I don’t remember why- I was feeling the need to get in touch with the Earth.  So I sat down to begin wondering about her and right away this song started playing in my mind.

Mary holds baby Jesus, wrapped in royal blue blanket.











Download MP3: Earth

Blue, Black, Silver, Water, Moons, Death & Ghosts Music & Songs New Hampshire

Cool Hands

A song about strangulation. Because when faced with too much meanness, we can build up defense systems so suffocating that it can be hard to know if we died by somebody else’s hand or our own.

Ominous hand strangling a woman.











Download MP3: Cool Hands.mp3

Music & Songs Nashville Plants and the Emerald Kingdom

Jade, Jade

This song is inspired by the plant world,

and also by a sense of feeling alone in what seemed to be, at the time,

Where am I? Mountain climber reaches plateau, filled with cowbirds, flying plants, and skeletons. an indifferent and challenging world.

Download Mp3: Jade, Jade