Place your finger on the window seal tap it three times three.
Lift your eyes towards the skies and tell me what you see.
I can see him blowing in again, glowering like the corn.
Wrap the black around me I won’t take it anymore.
Do you think I’ll feel this way again? Do you think I’ll feel the same?
Black clouds coming down and all I can feel again is rain.
Half of life is memory. Half of life is storm.
Tell yourself it’s changing when it’s only shifting form.
Half of life is far away, misty and unclear.
Feel the fog surround you but that’s only when he’s near.
Do you think you’ll feel this way again? Do you think you’ll feel the same?
Black strings coming down and all that I can feel is rain.
You’ll let me know somehow the ways
That you’ll allow you know I never disappoint.
A cloud for you I’ll be a fog a mystery
To fade then vanish to a point.
Place your hand upon my forehead now
Turn me three times round.
Stars behind my eyes and then I’m falling on the ground.
Take the handkerchief away from me- I know where he goes.
I know where the bodies lie and I know all the little things they hold.
Do you think you’ll feel this way again? Do you think you’ll feel the same?
Black strings coming down and all that I can feel is rain.
& in case you want to slide me a dollar….